
Environmental data management software for mining: reducing environmental impact

Environmental data management software (EDMS) is becoming increasingly important in mining. EDMS is a vital tool to help operators manage and track environmental data. It helps mining companies better understand their operations’ impact on the environment and make better decisions…

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What is UK Water Framework Directive: Technical report on Groundwater Hazardous Substances?

The Water Framework Directive advocates for the protection and improvement of water quality to achieve good ecological status. The UKTAG Water Framework Directive on Groundwater Hazardous Substances aims to provide guidelines and directions regarding the methods and procedures applied in…

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What are UK Environmental Quality Standards for Freshwaters?

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) and other European Union directions play a significant role in formulating the United Kingdom’s environmental quality standards for freshwaters. The WFD is key to protecting groundwaters, lakes, rivers, estuaries and coastal areas. The Environment Agency…

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What are Regional Screening Levels EPA RSL 1.0 and EPA RSL 0.1?

Regional Screening Levels (RSL) refers to risk-based concentrations developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency using standardized equations which integrate exposure information assumptions with EPA’s toxicity data. RSLs aim to protect human health by assessing the risk the contaminants…

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What are Default Guideline Values (DGVs) For Toxicants When Assessing Water Quality?

Default Guidelines Values (DGVs) are developed according to risk assessment principles by using data derived from laboratory tests in clean water. The species sensitivity distribution (SSD) method is used in deriving DGVs for toxicants during water quality assessment. In circumstances…

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What are the Saskatchewan Environmental Quality Guidelines?

The Saskatchewan Environmental Quality Guidelines provides the desired concentration of substances in the environment to enforce the protection of pathways. It includes protection of water, air, soil and sediments. The pathway-specific criteria applied in the guidelines are informed by the…

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What are the World Health Organization’s Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality?

Access to safe drinking water is essential as a health and development issue at national, regional and local levels. The World Health Organization (WHO) developed WHO drinking water guidelines to formulate national standards and regulations to enforce water safety and…

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What are New Jersey (NJ) Vapour Intrusion Screening Levels and Indoor Remediation Standards?

Vapor intrusion (VI) occurs when volatile chemicals find their way from the subsurface to overlying buildings through preferential pathways or subsurface soils. Vapor intrusion affects the indoor air quality of the concerned buildings and leads to chronic or acute human…

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