
British Columbia’s Protocol 4 Background Concentrations in Soil

British Columbia’s Protocol 4 is applied in situations where the concentration of substances exceeds the desired numerical soil standards described under Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR). It is applied to investigate and remediate contaminated sites to conduct soil relocation in such…

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What are the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ)?

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ) were developed with the primary goal of enforcing protection on human health concerning the quality of drinking water. Consequently, it ensures public health is considered during the formulation and implementation…

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What are Pennsylvania’s Statewide Health Standards for Soil and Water?

The Pennsylvania Statewide Health Standards refers to the concentrations of substances under regulation related to a specific environmental medium, denoted as medium-specific concentrations (MSCs). The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) is responsible for formulating and updating the Statewide Health…

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Waste Management & Waste Classification Guidelines in Victoria, Australia.

According to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria (2020), waste codes and categories are essential for identifying and describing waste to facilitate waste management. Parties involved in controlling and managing waste must classify it to ensure compliance with the law.…

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