
What are the New Jersey Remediation Standards developed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection?

The New Jersey (USA) AC 7 26 D Remediation Standards developed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for the implementation of the Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act, NJSA 58:10B-12, among other statutes such as The Industrial Site…

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What are the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) and Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Characterization, Remediation and Management in Kansas?

The Kansas policy on TPH and LNAPL provide guidelines observed in implementing initiatives to address petroleum contaminated sites. Such initiatives include characterizing, remediating, and managing the release of petroleum into the environment. The policy was developed to be used in…

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Monitoring Environmental Data: Tronox’s Public Portal, running on ESdat Environmental Database Software

Tronox’s Public Portal, running on ESdat, has been updated.  Take a look at net/CristalMining#results-map/ detail/515/dd_monitoring_ results The ESdat Public Portal provides monitoring data in a simple to understand format for external or public consumption, with or without a user’s…

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What are British Columbia Approved Water Quality Guidelines: Aquatic Life, Wildlife and Agriculture?

The British Columbia (BC) Water Quality Guidelines (WQG) was developed by the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (ENV), and it provides the safe levels for substances to enforce protection of water used for drinking, agriculture, aquatic life,…

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What is British Columbia Protocol 9 Background Concentrations in Groundwater?

The British Columbia Protocol 9 for contaminated sites is used in the establishment of groundwater local background concentration. The concentrations are utilized for investigating and remediating contaminated sites in circumstances whereby the concentrations of substances that occur naturally exceeds the…

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