
What are Environmental Quality Guidelines for Alberta Surface Water?

Alberta Surface Water Quality Guidelines

Surface Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life Certain compounds are hazardous, and other aspects of the quality of the water, such as pH, temperature, exposure and toxicity modifying factors (ETMF) and hardness, can affect this toxicity. KaizenLAB…

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What are Canada’s environmental guidelines and policies?

Protecting pristine environments with Canada's environmental guidelines

Introduction Canada’s environmental guidelines – Canada has signed many international environmental agreements and has developed environmental guidelines, policies and programs to help protect the environment. Canada has a variety of environmental standards and guidelines designed to protect the country’s natural…

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Environmental Data Management for Large-scale Contaminated Soil Investigations

The Problem – Data Management ChallengesLarge-scale contaminated soil investigations generate hundreds, often thousands, of samples. Soil samples are collected from multiple locations, at varying depths, over many days, and by different people. Each sample is then tested for a suite of…

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What is The Protection of Environmental Operations Act (POEO Act)

The Protection of Environmental Operations Act 1997 (POEO) The Protection of Environmental Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) was established and administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to this Act, the EPA is responsible for investigating and reporting alleged…

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Australian Environmental Standards: laws that protect the environment in Australia.

The Australian Environmental Standards (AES) are national environmental quality standards that aim to protect the environment and human health. They are developed and updated by the National Environment Protection Council (NEPC), which comprises representatives from all state and territory governments.…

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Why are Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs) important for the San Francisco Bay Region?

The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Board staff prepares Environmental Screening Level materials (Water Board). These materials’ information is not meant to establish policy or regulation. ESLs are often not employed at locations covered by the Low-Threat Underground Storage…

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How can an environmental data management solution help your business?

What is an environmental data management solution? An environmental data management solution is a comprehensive system for storing, managing and analyzing environmental data. It enables organizations to effectively track and manage their environmental impact, comply with regulations, and make informed…

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