The British Columbia Protocol 9 for contaminated sites is used in the establishment of groundwater local background concentration. The concentrations are utilized for investigating and remediating contaminated sites in circumstances whereby the concentrations of substances that occur naturally exceeds the general numerical water standards of the CSR. The protocol was developed in pursuance of section 64 of the Environmental Management Act. It also outlines the procedures that are applied in determining background concentrations in groundwater in specific sites. Consequently, estimates from the regional background concentrations can be used for determining local background concentrations in addition to the procedures outlined in Protocol 9. During background groundwater assessment, rock interactions, organic matter, minerals in geologic units are used to enhance the understanding of groundwater chemistry. Protocol 9 assist professionals in the identification of contamination sources for groundwater. Secondary impacts which result from contamination are also characterized.
The protocol provides the regulatory basis for determining whether a site is contaminated or if satisfactory remediation has been done. The options, procedures, and reporting requirements are clearly outlined. The methodology applied in determining local background concentrations includes site characterization, collection of representative data, monitoring of well siting criteria, and groundwater data assessment. Data requirements include collecting samples from at least three wells, minimizing the suspended sediments in wells, and employing two sampling events, one during the dry season and the other during the wet season. The desired reporting requirements include hydrogeology models, sampling procedures, geographical locations, documentation of contaminants, analytical methods, analytical results, estimated background concentrations and conclusions.
Researchers, therefore, apply the protocol to determine groundwater concentrations. Furthermore, policy-makers utilize it to make decisions regarding water supply and land use. Finally, it serves to protect human health and aid in identifying contaminated sites for remediation purposes.
BC Protocol 9 Background Concentrations in Groundwater are now compiled and available in ESdat at or by synching against our reference system.
British Columbia’s Protocol 9 Background Concentrations in Groundwater.
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Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (2021). Protocol 9 for contaminated sites. Retrieved from