Many organisations that conduct recurring monitoring employ consultants or other organisations to collect and report their data.
This collected site data is an important asset for the organisation, representing a significant investment. Hence, it must be retained in a high-quality electronic format that is available for easy re-use now and into the future.
Often, the data is retained and managed by the consultant doing the work and transferred to others or the site owner as circumstances require.
This approach can be limiting for the Site Owner. It may not be easy to obtain a complete copy of the data in a format that is both easy to use and can be fully relied on as accurate and complete. Obtaining exports or reports of the data can require making a formal data request, which has associated delays and costs. Sharing this data with other parties, such as regulators or other consultants, is generally not possible in anything close to real-time.
Site managers are increasingly addressing this by having all their data stored in their system and made available to consultants as required, with strict controls around which data can be viewed, edited or added to. New data can be loaded directly into the site managers’ system via direct upload from the laboratory, and consultants can load field data as the data is collected.
To find out more about how you can take control of your data using ESdat visit or ask us for a call at

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