Many large organizations employ a team of data experts to maintain a complex enterprise system to manage their geo-environmental data. Project scientists and engineers are usually not empowered to use the software themselves for data analysis or reporting.

Far from being innovative, much of this work involves keeping the system running: resolving data import challenges, reconciling different reference lists and regulatory standards, customizing reports, or producing the standard outputs that many projects require on an ongoing basis.
The inherent delays and frustrations caused by people without site-specific knowledge being custodians of site data mean many scientists and engineers within these organizations choose to manage their data outside of these systems, typically using Excel, and organizations bear all the risks inherent in that approach.
Wouldn’t it just make sense if your scientists and engineers could easily manage their data and analysis using modern online software?
With the modern ESdat environmental data management system, engineers and scientists can easily manage the data associated with their projects themselves. Imports are largely automated, and professionals can produce their outputs, increasing their efficiency, improving their job satisfaction, and reducing corporate overheads.
ESdat is designed to deliver an easy-to-use, efficient, and powerful cloud-based solution for managing contaminated site data.
- Laboratory Integration is taken care of for you.
- Environmental Standards are pre-compiled and maintained for you.
- All staff can receive exceedance or compliance notifications and produce Exceedance Tables and other outputs as soon as results are received.
- All common industry outputs, including QA, Tables, Maps, Graphs and Statistics, as well as integrations, including ProUCL, ArcGIS, Surfer, AGS, Power BI and many others, are included.
If you’d like to carry out a free, no-obligation trial of this modern software for managing your contaminated land or monitoring data, visit
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